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use crontab and mail command to backup your firefox bookmarks

add the following line to ~/cron.yourname , (yourname is your real login name)

30 12 * * * date '+%m/%d/%Y' | mail -s "bookmark"" `date '+%m/%d/%y'`" -a /home/yourname/.mozilla/firefox/68k8bqg9.default/bookmarks.html receiver1@abc.com receiver2@abc.com

maybe 68k8bqg9.default should be replaced by your actual bookmarks directory.

and run:

%crontab ~/cron.yourname

then crontab would run at 12:30 am to send firefox bookmark to your email receiver1 and receiver2.

date '+%m/%d/%Y' : to show date as "01/23/2007"

it use filter to current date as the mail's content. and use -a to specify the attachment.

it use -s spesify subject as: "bookmark"" `date '+%m/%d/%y'`" ,

here date is backquoted.

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I am a senior developer and a team leader with 3 years development experience in Suzhou, China, focus on mobile web search, linux, Java and machine learning in NLP (natural language processing). My goal is to improve people's life with computer technology.