Utilize shell scripts,linux commands, open source tools,java, to Maximize the Power of Linux.
Focused on working with linux and shell, search engine technology including Chinese segmenter
Any questions please contact me at gmail: david.ullua


Using VirtualBox From Linux to virtualize windows and from windows to virtualize linux

1. How to Adjust resolution of guest OS:
(booted guest OS, Devices -> Install Guest Additions)

若是在linux的Virtual Box上虚拟windows, guest os为windows (主操作系统为linux)。
安装增强功能后,在windows的我的电脑中会看到光驱变成了“VirtualBox Guest Additions", 点击光驱直接安装 Guest Addtions, 安装完重启windows即可。 (Windows would load VirtualBox Guest Additions CD automatically, all you need to do is to run the CD and install Guest Additions , then reboot Windows)

若是在Windows的Virtual Box上虚拟linux,guest os 为linux(主操作系统为windows)。
安装增强功能后,Ubuntu会自动挂载VBoxGuestAdditions.ISO,并显示在桌面上。 (All you need to do is run BoxLinuxAdditions.run ) :
#cd /cdrom 注意:cd命令后面有一个空格)
#sh VBoxLinuxAdditions.run

2.若使用NAT方式, guest os可以通过原操作系统的路由功能直接访问网络。

3.允许guest OS访问原操作系统中的目录。 (How to allow folder share between guest OS and the primal OS)
启动guest os后, 点"设备" -> "分配数据空间" ("devices" -> "share folders" )
增加共享目录,选择目录, 给共享目录取一个名字即可。 比如取名为share。
那么当guest os为windows时,可以运行:
net use x: \\vboxsvr\share 来使用共享的目录。(映射到x:盘)

当guest os为linux时,可以运行:
mount -t vboxsf share /mnt/mount_point 来通过linux上的mount_point目录来访问共享的share。

4.如果遇到声音出不来的情况, 那么关闭guest os后,选择虚拟机,设置一下声音(Audio),确保Enable Audio有被勾选上,并选择了合适的驱动,如果一个驱动不行,就换其他的,然后重启guest os,多试几次就好了。
(If no sound in the guest OS, you can shutdown the guest os, and enable Audio in the Settings for the virtual machine.)

特别是全屏(Full Screen Mode)和无缝显示(Seamless Mode)感觉用户体验相当棒!

About Me

I am a senior developer and a team leader with 3 years development experience in Suzhou, China, focus on mobile web search, linux, Java and machine learning in NLP (natural language processing). My goal is to improve people's life with computer technology.